320+ Terrifying Exorcist Quotes from the Classic Horror Film

The Exorcist is a horror masterpiece that continues to send chills down the spine of viewers. Its dark, unsettling atmosphere and memorable quotes have made it a timeless classic. Whether you’re a fan of horror films or looking for some spooky inspiration, these terrifying quotes from The Exorcist will surely give you goosebumps.

Dive into the world of demonic possession, eerie dialogues, and unforgettable moments from this iconic movie.

 Spine-Chilling Quotes from The Exorcist👹 

  • “What an excellent day for an exorcism.”
  • “The power of Christ compels you!”
  • “I am no one. I am no one.”
  • “Your mother sucks cocks in Hell.”
  • “It burns! It burns!”
  • “The devil has a name, and it’s Pazuzu.”
  • “Help me! Please, help me!”
  • “You’ll die up there, just like Father Karras.”
  • “Fear the priest, not the devil.”
  • “He will lie to confuse us, but he will also mix lies with the truth.”
  • “You’re going to lose, Father. There is no hope.”
  • “You can’t break me; I am eternal.”
  • “This house has become a den of evil.”
  • “I cast you out, unclean spirit!”
  • “Who are you, then? We are many; we are Legion.”
  • “Why did you do this to me, Dimmy?”
  • “She’s mine! You can’t take her from me!”
  • “The sow is mine; it belongs to me!”
  • “There is nothing here but pain and suffering.”
  • “You’re not afraid, Father? You will be. You will be.”

Creepiest Exorcist Movie Lines Ever😈 

  • “What’s done cannot be undone.”
  • “No soul can resist the temptation forever.”
  • “Do you know what she did? Your cursed daughter?”
  • “There is no salvation, only endless suffering.”
  • “The sound of her voice is the sound of the damned.”
  • “Her laughter chills to the bone.”
  • “I have no name. I am no one.”
  • “Your prayers are nothing to me; I am powerful.”
  • “How long will you try to fight the inevitable?”
  • “When I leave, she will no longer be yours.”
  • “The darkness here is more than just a shadow.”
  • “The smell of death is all around her.”
  • “I am the one who has been here since the beginning.”
  • “She is lost, Father.”
  • “Pain is the path to understanding.”
  • “I can feel her slipping into the abyss.”
  • “The light will never touch her again, only the darkness.”
  • “There’s nothing you can do, priest. She’s gone.”
  • “Evil has always lived in this place.”
  • “You will fail, just as the others have.”

 Scariest Possession Quotes from The Exorcist👻 

Scariest Possession Quotes
  • “I am inside her now.”
  • “I control her body; her mind is no longer her own.”
  • “She’s not here anymore, only I remain.”
  • “I will take her soul to the depths of hell.”
  • “She will suffer eternally under my control.”
  • “Her cries only make me stronger.”
  • “There is no escape from the darkness.”
  • “I feed on her fear.”
  • “This is no longer a battle you can win.”
  • “I possess her, mind, body, and soul.”
  • “There is no way out, only despair.”
  • “She is mine, and I will not let her go.”
  • “You will never free her from my grip.”
  • “Her soul belongs to the underworld now.”
  • “I am the demon that haunts her dreams.”
  • “Her innocence is long gone.”
  • “I speak through her voice; she is lost.”
  • “The shadows in her eyes are my doing.”
  • “Every moment, she sinks deeper into the abyss.”
  • “There’s no salvation for her, only eternal torment.”
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 Terrifying Quotes by Father Merrin😱 

  • “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not fear.”
  • “We must face the demon with all our faith.”
  • “I have fought demons before, but none like this.”
  • “There is no reasoning with evil.”
  • “This battle will take everything we have.”
  • “He is testing our faith, trying to break our will.”
  • “Only the power of Christ can drive this demon out.”
  • “Do not listen to its lies, for they are endless.”
  • “I will not stop until this evil is banished.”
  • “You cannot bargain with the devil.”
  • “Her body may be possessed, but her soul is still pure.”
  • “Fear is what feeds the demon’s power.”
  • “We must not waver in our conviction.”
  • “I have seen the face of evil, and it’s more terrifying than you can imagine.”
  • “Only through sacrifice can we save her soul.”
  • “This demon will stop at nothing to keep its hold.”
  • “It’s not the body that’s at stake, but her soul.”
  • “I’ve been preparing for this moment my entire life.”
  • “Do not underestimate the demon’s cunning.”
  • “I cast thee out in the name of the Lord!”

 Frightening Quotes by Father Karras🕯️ 

  • “Why did this happen to her? She’s just a child.”
  • “I can feel the demon inside her.”
  • “It’s mocking us, testing our resolve.”
  • “I don’t know if I have the strength for this.”
  • “What if my faith isn’t enough?”
  • “This evil is beyond anything I’ve ever faced.”
  • “I fear for her soul.”
  • “I’m losing my grip on what’s real and what’s not.”
  • “The demon is playing with my mind.”
  • “Every time I look at her, I see the devil.”
  • “How much longer can we fight this thing?”
  • “This is no ordinary case of possession.”
  • “I feel like evil is crawling under my skin.”
  • “It’s as if the demon knows my deepest fears.”
  • “I’m not sure if I can save her, or myself.”
  • “The darkness is closing in on us, suffocating our hope.”
  • “I’ve never doubted my faith more than I do now.”
  • “The line between the demon and her is blurred.”
  • “I have to stay strong, but I’m breaking.”
  • “I’ve seen evil before, but never like this.”

 Haunting Quotes from The Demon in The Exorcist🧟 

  • “I am the one who speaks through her; her voice is no longer hers.”
  • “Your God has abandoned you. She is mine now.”
  • “There is no mercy for the damned.”
  • “I will feast on her suffering for all eternity.”
  • “You think you can save her, but she’s already lost.”
  • “Her screams are music to my ears.”
  • “There is no escape from the grip of hell.”
  • “Every moment, I consume her soul.”
  • “I am the darkness that hides within her eyes.”
  • “The more you fight, the deeper I sink into her mind.”
  • “You have no power over me; I am beyond your prayers.”
  • “Her body is my plaything, her mind my domain.”
  • “I control every part of her existence.”
  • “She belongs to me, and I will not let her go.”
  • “The stench of evil surrounds her, and it is mine.”
  • “Her innocence has been stripped away by my will.”
  • “No amount of faith can cleanse her from the darkness.”
  • “I am the void that will swallow her whole.”
  • “She cries out for help, but none will come.”
  • “Her torment will be my greatest pleasure.”
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 The Most Terrifying Exorcist Moments Captured in Quotes👺 

  • “I have seen evil, and it stares back at me through her eyes.”
  • “The room grows colder, the air filled with the stench of death.”
  • “Her bed shakes violently as if possessed by an unseen force.”
  • “I felt the presence of something ancient and malicious.”
  • “The sound of her voice is no longer that of a child.”
  • “The darkness in the room seemed to breathe.”
  • “I was paralyzed by fear as the demon laughed.”
  • “Her body twisted in unnatural ways, a puppet of the devil.”
  • “The walls seemed to pulse with a life of their own.”
  • “Her head turned slowly, unnaturally, defying the laws of nature.”
  • “The shadows in the room seemed to move with a sinister intent.”
  • “The crucifix melted in my hand as I tried to ward off evil.”
  • “Her eyes glowed with an unholy light.”
  • “The demon mocked our prayers, repeating them with twisted words.”
  • “I felt an overwhelming sense of dread, as if death was in the air.”
  • “The very air seemed to grow heavy, thick with malice.”
  • “The walls seemed to close in, suffocating any glimmer of hope.”
  • “Her voice changed into something that wasn’t human.”
  • “The room was filled with an unnatural stillness.”
  • “The crucifix flew from my hands, hurled by an unseen force.”

 Quotes about Evil from The Exorcist🧛 

  • “Evil has a way of hiding in the shadows, waiting to strike.”
  • “It feeds on fear, growing stronger with every terrified whisper.”
  • “The devil doesn’t show his face; he works through the hands of man.”
  • “Evil is not a force; it is a living, breathing entity.”
  • “The devil never sleeps; he’s always watching.”
  • “In the presence of evil, the air grows heavy.”
  • “Evil takes many forms, but its hunger remains the same.”
  • “The demon’s laughter echoes in the corners of her mind.”
  • “There is no escaping the reach of the devil.”
  • “Once evil has a grip on your soul, it never lets go.”
  • “The true nature of evil is to twist everything that is good.”
  • “Evil doesn’t knock; it creeps in when you’re not looking.”
  • “In every dark corner, evil is lying in wait.”
  • “To confront evil, one must be prepared to lose their sanity.”
  • “The face of evil is not always ugly; sometimes, it’s deceptive.”
  • “There is nothing more dangerous than the silence before evil strikes.”
  • “The devil’s work is never done; he lives to be corrupt.”
  • “No one is immune to the seductive whispers of evil.”
  • “Evil thrives in the places we fear to look.”
  • “Even the most pious soul can fall victim to temptation.”
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Unforgettable Quotes of Horror from The Exorcist👿 

  • “You can feel it, can’t you? The weight of the darkness.”
  • “There is something wrong here, something deeply unnatural.”
  • “Every shadow in this house seems to hide a secret.”
  • “Her cries for help echo in the night, but no one can hear her now.”
  • “There’s no escaping the fate that awaits her, only misery.”
  • “The air in this room feels like it’s alive.”
  • “The stench of sulfur lingers in the air, a sign of something sinister.”
  • “She’s not who she used to be; the demon has taken everything.”
  • “Every word she speaks is laced with hatred.”
  • “You can feel the malevolence growing with every passing second.”
  • “Her eyes are no longer her own; they belong to something far worse.”
  • “It’s as if the walls themselves are closing in on her, trapping her in darkness.”
  • “The sound of her laughter sends chills down my spine.”
  • “There’s no coming back from the depths of this evil.”
  • “Every step I take towards her feels like a step closer to my own demise.”
  • “The shadows in this room seem to have a life of their own.”
  • “It’s not just a possession; it’s a complete and utter takeover.”
  • “Every breath she takes is filled with malice.”
  • “The feeling of dread in this room is almost tangible.”
  • “She’s slipping away, and the demon is taking over completely.”

Classic Exorcist Quotes That Will Haunt You🧙

  • “The devil’s greatest trick is making you believe he’s not there.”
  • “I am more powerful than you could ever imagine.”
  • “She’s lost to us; the demon has her now for all eternity.”
  • “There’s no place to hide from the reach of the devil.”
  • “Evil wears many faces, and none of them are what you expect.”
  • “Her voice carries the weight of a thousand tortured souls.”
  • “The demon speaks in riddles, but its message is always clear.”
  • “This is not just a possession; it’s a battle for her very soul.”
  • “You’ll never understand the depths of her torment.”
  • “The devil’s grip is cold and unyielding.”
  • “Evil does not sleep; it waits for the perfect moment.”
  • “She is no longer herself; the demon has taken her completely.”
  • “The exorcism isn’t just about saving her; it’s about saving everyone.”
  • “The shadows in this room are alive with malice.”
  • “Her eyes glow with an unholy fire.”
  • “The demon will never let her go.”
  • “No prayer is strong enough to break the chains of hell.”
  • “She speaks with the voices of the damned.”
  • “The longer you wait, the deeper she sinks into the abyss.”
  • “You cannot reason with evil; it only seeks to destroy.”

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